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41 turflon ester per gallon

Remedy Ultra Herbicide - For spot treatment, you will use a 1 to 1.5% solution of Remedy Ultra in water (1 to 1 1/2 gallons of Remedy Ultra in 100 gallons total spray mixture, or 0.78 to 1.92 fl oz per gallon) and spray the entire plant to completely wet the foliage. The best way to clean your sprayer is to triple rinse it between uses. Amount of Turflon Ester / gallon | Lawn Care Forum - LawnSite I purchases some Turflon Ester from my chem company and my salesman suggested 3 oz. per gallon or water. Does that sound like an ample amount? I've done 3 apps and can't tell a difference. Any ideas or different chemicals to use?? [/QUOTE Do a search on Bermuda control and you should find lots of info.

Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer (Garlon 4) | Solutions Pest & Lawn Apr 03, 2022 · For spot treatments to ornamental turf, Mix 3/8 (0.375 oz.) to 3/4 (0.75) fluid ounces of Alligare Triclopyr 4 per 1000 square feet in 1 to 2 gallons of water. For more specific application rates please refer to the label.

Turflon ester per gallon

Turflon ester per gallon

Turflon® Ester - Monterey Lawn & Garden Use Turflon® Ester specialty herbicide for the control of actively growing annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, bermudagrass and kikuyugrass in perennial bluegrass, perennial ryegrass or tall fescue ornamental turfgrass. Reapply Turflon® Ester at 4-week intervals. Mow newly seeded turfgrass 2 or 3 times before treating. Managing Weeds in Fescue Lawns | Home & Garden … 14.06.2021 · Monterey Turflon Ester Specialty Herbicide Ortho Weed B Gon Chickweed, Clover & Oxalis Killer for Lawns; & RTS 1 These products require the addition of a wetter-sticker agent at 0.25% by volume (2 teaspoons of a nonionic surfactant per gallon of water) to aid in weed control, such as Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker. Managing Weeds in Fescue Lawns - Home & Garden Information Center Jun 14, 2021 · Monterey Turflon Ester Specialty Herbicide Ortho Weed B Gon Chickweed, Clover & Oxalis Killer for Lawns; & RTS 1 These products require the addition of a wetter-sticker agent at 0.25% by volume (2 teaspoons of a nonionic surfactant per gallon of water) to aid in weed control, such as Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker.

Turflon ester per gallon. Turflon Ester works for bermuda in fescue - turfgrass I've used turflon-ester many times. It is works beautifully on my fescue. But you must use it according to the label to have good results. 1/3 oz/gallon = 1-1/2 Tbs per gallon per 1000 sq. ft. This means 1 gallon should be sprayed on 1000 sq. ft to get the full effect. Or use 1 tsp in one quart and spray the entire quart onto 100 square feet. Residential Guide to Triclopyr Herbicide - Prince Gardening 08.05.2021 · It can be used both as a regular treatment as well as a spot treatment, meant to be applied at a rate of ⅜-¾ oz per one gallon of water for every 1000 square feet. It’s pet-safe when used as directed and is sold in an eight-ounce bottle that’s the perfect size for the average homeowner. Features: Contains Triclopyr and butoxyethyl ester ... : Monterey LG 5512 Turflon Ester Specialty Herbicide ... Weed & grass Killer - turflon ester controls bermudagrass, kikuyugrass and certain broadleaf weeds such as Oxalis, ground ivy, wild Violet, Clover and ragweed. Consider these nuisances as good as gone. Post-emergent herbicide - our spray is used for the control of actively growing plants. Drum Pumps for Safety - Barrel Transfer Pumps | GoatThroat Pumps We’ve designed our pumps to handle anything from a two-gallon jug to a 55-gallon drum. How the Configurator Works. Using our ever-expanding Chemical Guide, you tell us your chemical, we ask a few questions about how you’d like your set-up to work, and we design a customized system for you. The Chemical Guide is the key to success. Once you tell us your chemical, our system searches the ...

Turflon Ester to Control Bermuda Grass: How To Use It A suggestion for the initial mixing is to avoid pouring the chemical into an empty container and then adding water. It won't mix easily. From the label: "Add about one-half the required amount of clean water to the spray tank. Add the recommended amount of TURFLON Ester and continue filling the sprayer. Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester Help - Questions and Answers - Hi-Yield Turflon Ester Ultra is labeled to eradicate wild violets. Please refer to the product label for complete mixing and application instructions. You will mix 3/8 - 3/4 oz. per 1 gallon of water per 1,000 sq. ft. You can apply this product early spring through fall for the most effective results. Was this answer helpful to you? Yes No Turflon Ester | Lawn Care Forum - LawnSite I have to go back and retreat some areas of wild violet. I hit them with some solitaire 10 days ago and they hardly look affected. I will be spraying Turflon Ester later today. I don't see anywhere on the label about adding surfactant. Would you recommend using a spreader/sticker since the... : Monterey LG5518 Turflon Ester Specialty Herbicide ... Easy to use - simply dilute turflon ester with water and apply using a spray tank. Carefully read label directions before use. Vast coverage - one pint of turflon ester covers up to 20, 000 Square feet of lawn. Monterey pt turflon ester ; Contains 61.6 percent active ingredients

White Clover | Home & Garden Information Center White clover (Trifolium repens), also known as Dutch clover, is a cool-season perennial that is often found growing in patches along roadsides, pastures, and lawns.It is a low-growing plant with creeping stems (stolons) that produce roots and shoots at nodes (joints) along the stem, which helps the plant to spread. Monterey Turflon Ester Herbicide .5 pt. (LG5512) - How much Monterey Turflon Ester Herbicide do I mix with a gallon of water? A You will mix 4 tsp of Monterey Turflon Ester Herbicide per gallon of water per 1,000 sq ft. for warm season grasses, in turf (bermudagrass and kikuyugrass) apply 3-4 applications at 4 week intervals. Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions. Turflon Ester - DIY) Pest Control Contains 61.6% active ingredient for use on cool season turf only One pint covers up to 20,000 sq. ft Spot Treatment: Mix 4 teaspoons in 1 gallon of water (1 teaspoon in a small quart sprayer) in hand pump sprayer and apply to weeds. Application Rates and Tips If turfgrass is newly seeded, mow 2 or 3 times before application of Turflon Ester. Turflon® Ester Ultra specialty herbicide — Turf & Ornamental For broadcast treatments, apply 1/2 to 1 quart of Turflon ® Ester Ultra specialty herbicide per acre in enough water to control broadleaf weeds actively growing in perennial bluegrass, perennial ryegrass or tall fescue. For control of kikuyugrass, apply ½ to 1 quart per acre. For control of bermudagrass, apply 1 quart per acre. Application Timing

Image Weed Killer Per Gallon - MAGEUSI

Image Weed Killer Per Gallon - MAGEUSI

Turflon Ester Ultra - Turflon Ester Ultra is also labeled for use in the suppression of Bermudagrass when overseedig with perennial ryegrass in the states of Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. This product is available in a gallon size, the 2.5 gallon has been discontinued. Product Documents Turflon Ester Ultra Label Turflon Ester Ultra SDS

Gordon’s Ornamec 170 Grass Herbicide, 32 Ounces – Etramay

Gordon’s Ornamec 170 Grass Herbicide, 32 Ounces – Etramay

Hi-Yield Turflon Ester Ultra, Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester Apply 1/2 to 1 quart of HI-YIELD Triclopyr Ester per acre in enough water to control broadleaf weeds actively growing in perennial bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, or tall fescue. Only emerged weeds present at the time of application will be controlled. Apply using equipment that assures uniform coverage of the target area. When treating mature plants or hard to control species, and for ...



Hi-Yield Turflon Ester Ultra, Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester Hi-Yield Turflon Ester Ultra is labeled to eradicate wild violets. Please refer to the product label for complete mixing and application instructions. You will mix 3/8 - 3/4 oz. per 1 gallon of water per 1,000 sq. ft. You can apply this product early spring through fall for the most effective results. Was this answer helpful to you? Yes No

Ornamec Grass Herbicide Quart – SePole

Ornamec Grass Herbicide Quart – SePole

Dow AgroSciences Turflon Ester Ultra Herbicide 1 Gallon This item: Dow AgroSciences Turflon Ester Ultra Herbicide 1 Gallon $270.06 FREE Shipping Southern Ag Surfactant for Herbicides Non-Ionic, 128oz - 1 Gallon $29.91 Get it as soon as Monday, May 23 FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon

36 Turflon Ester Ultra Label - Labels 2021

36 Turflon Ester Ultra Label - Labels 2021

Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer (Garlon 4) | Solutions Pest & Lawn 03.04.2022 · I mix 13oz. triclopyr per gallon of diesel and throw in 4oz MSO (MES 100) for good measure. Spraying trunks up to 4". Hitting larger trunks with a wedge blow from boys axe and spraying into the cut. Works good but slow progress when you're dealing with acres. On big bushes, also spraying smooth bark branches at base helps effectiveness. 4 oz in ...

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